Configuration File

The configuration file is the easiest way to begin configuring MSA to your liking. The configuration file os a JSON file. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and is a common way of storing structured data. As tutorials on how to write JSON are easily found, we will avoid going into specifics with how json works here. The most you need to know is that JSON is a series of key -> value associations.

This guide will refer to various nested configuration values in the config file, in order to easily reference a given JSON value we will use the following naming scheme: to refer to the "Masa-chan" value of {"agent": { "name": "Masa-Chan" }} easily.

Configuration Values


The agent section configures the behavior and appearance of the agent.

The name MSA will refer to itself as.


  "agent": {
    "name": "Your humble servant" 


The name MSA will refer to the user as.


  "agent": {
    "user_title": "Supreme Leader" 

Plugin Modules

The plugin modules section, allows a user to configure which third-party plugins to load when MSA starts. It should be a list of plugin modules to load at startup.


  "plugin_modules": [

Module Config

The module config section is a mapping of module name to JSON object. The JSON object is configuration values that will be passed to the module to modify its behavior.


  "module_config": {
    "my_demo_plugin": { 
      "my_demo_message": "hello world"


The logging section, allows you to configure how MSA will record information about how well it is running, It will also record any errors that are encountered.


Sets the global log level. Must be one of “error”, “warn”, “info”, or “debug”. The global log level defines how verbose all modules will be with their logging.


  "logging": { 
    "global_log_level": "info"


The file that the logging output is written to. Example:

  "logging": { 
    "log_file_location": "my_custom_file.log"


Toggles overwriting or truncating the log file when MSA starts up. If false log files will be preserved between runs. Example:

  "logging": { 
    "truncate_log_file": false


A module to log level mapping that overrides the logging.global_log_level setting for that module. This can be used to increase logging or suppress a module that is logging too much unneeded information. Log level values must be one of “error”, “warn”, “info”, or “debug”.


  "logging": { 
    "granular_log_levels": [
      { "namespace": "echo", "log_level": "debug"},
      { "namespace": "command_registry", "log_level": "error"} 

Example configuration

   "agent": {
       "name": "Masa-chan",
       "user_title": "Onee-chan"
  "plugin_modules": [


  "module_config": {


  "logging": {
    "global_log_level": "info",
    "log_file_location": "msa.log",
    "truncate_log_file": false,
    "granular_log_levels": [
      { "namespace": "echo", "log_level": "debug"},
      { "namespace": "command_registry", "log_level": "error"}