Contributor Guide

Running from source


  1. If you do not have it already, please install the python package manager poetry: See poetry installation instructions.
  2. Clone the repository git clone
  3. Open a terminal and navigate to the location you cloned the repository to.
  4. Run poetry install and poetry shell to install the python requirements and enter a virtual environment.

Starting the daemon

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the location you cloned the repository to.
  2. Run python -m msa daemon to start the daemon. The daemon should now be hosted on http://localhost:8080.

Starting the Developer CLI

Note: In order to use the CLI you must start the daemon first in another terminal.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the location you cloned the repository to.
  2. Run python -m msa cli to start the cli which will connect to the daemon. You should be greeted with a python interpreter looking interface, this is the developer cli.

Plugin Development